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Creating a Positive Family Dynamic with Autistic or ADHD Child:
The Importance of Family Meetings

Raising a child with autism or ADHD can be challenging, and it's important for families to have regular meetings to stay on the same page and address any issues that may arise. These meetings can help improve communication, problem-solving, and overall family dynamics. However, it's important to remember that each child is unique and the needs of an autistic or ADHD child may differ from those of their neurotypical siblings. This guide aims to provide compassionate and practical advice to help parents effectively conduct family meetings that meet the needs of all family members, and strengthen the bond and understanding within the family.



It's important for families to have shared values and to align on them. These values can be a guiding principle for the family and be a foundation for the family meetings. It could be values such as respect, honesty, open-mindedness, responsibility, and others that align with the family's beliefs and needs. These values must be shared among the family members and should be acknowledged and reinforced during the family meetings.

Format of Family Meetings


When planning a family meeting, it's important to establish a regular time and place for the meeting to take place. This can be once a week or once a month, depending on the family's needs. The meetings should be held in a comfortable and neutral location, free from distractions.


It's also important to establish a clear agenda for the meeting. This can be done by creating a list of topics that need to be discussed and assigning a specific time for each topic. This allows for efficient use of time and ensures that all important issues are addressed.

Giving Children a Voice​


One of the most important aspects of family meetings is giving all family members a chance to share their thoughts and feelings. This is especially important for children with autism or ADHD, who may have difficulty expressing themselves verbally.​


To help children feel heard, parents can use visual aids such as pictures or drawings to help them communicate their thoughts. Parents can also provide a list of simple and open-ended questions to help guide the child's discussion.


It's also important to create an environment where children feel safe to express themselves without fear of judgment or criticism. Parents should avoid interrupting or dismissing their child's thoughts and feelings. Instead, they should actively listen and acknowledge their child's perspectives.

Meeting the Needs of Autistic and Neurotypical Children​


Families with an autistic or ADHD child may have different needs than families with only neurotypical children. Therefore, it's important to take these needs into consideration when conducting family meetings.

For example, children with autism may have difficulty with social interactions and may need more time to process information. Parents can allow extra time for their child to respond to questions or provide visual aids to help them understand the discussion.


Additionally, children with ADHD may have difficulty sitting still for long periods of time. Parents can consider incorporating breaks or physical activities into the meetings to help their child stay focused.



It's important to set clear expectations for family meetings. This can include expectations for attendance, participation, and behavior. For example, parents can expect all family members to be on time and prepared for the meeting, and to actively listen and participate in the discussion.


Parents can also set expectations for appropriate behavior during the meeting, such as no interrupting or talking out of turn. By setting clear expectations, parents can create a structured and organized environment that promotes effective communication.



Setting boundaries is also an important aspect of family meetings. This can include boundaries for the discussion topics, such as avoiding sensitive or divisive subjects, and boundaries for behavior, such as no yelling or name-calling. Setting these boundaries ensures that the family meetings remain productive and respectful for everyone involved. Parents should make sure to clearly communicate these boundaries to all family members and enforce them during the meetings.

Final Words


Family meetings can be a valuable tool for families with an autistic or ADHD child. By establishing a regular time and place for meetings, creating a clear agenda, giving children a voice, taking into account the unique needs of each child, and aligning on shared values, parents can help improve communication and problem-solving within the family. Remember, every child is unique, and it's important to be compassionate and understanding of each child's needs. By following these suggestions, parents can create an environment that promotes open communication, understanding, and respect, fostering a positive and healthy family dynamic.

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